Mexicali, B.C.

(686) 191-3651

Baby’s Dentistry

Brushing after the sight of baby’s first tooth.

Tooth brushing may be done by the appearance of the baby’s first tooth, with a soft brush and toothpaste containing sodium fluoride.

Dental tooth brush and tooth paste for your baby

Children’s oral hygiene before the appearance of their first temporary tooth (Milk Tooth). It’s necessary to clean your baby’s mouth to avoid leaving traces of formula/baby bottle milk or baby food, the oral cleaning is made by passing a soaked gauze rolled on to your finger through the little ones mouth.

  • 1 to 8 teeth:

    It is necessary to use a kid’s toothbrush and that this has a small round head and soft bristles. It must be dry, and it’s also important to start using an infant toothpaste containing fluoride. In this case, the amount of toothpaste should be the size of a grain of rice.

  • 8 teeth to 3 years of age:

    By this age the toothbrush should still be very soft and the amount of tooth paste should be about the size of a grain of rice.

  • 4 years of age and up:

    The amount of toothpaste should be about the size of a pea or a lentil and should keep incorporating a toothpaste containing fluoride at all times. When the child begins to grow it’s important that the toothbrush must be adapted to their age, therefore, with a larger handle, so that the child can handle it easier. In this case, a child supervision should be taken upon to verify the little one is brushing correctly they learn to do it the right way. As for toothpaste, it must contain 1,100-1,450 ppm of fluoride and in the amount of a pea. Remember: In all cases an infant toothpaste should be used.

Management Of Tooth Eruption

If the pediatric dentist considers necessary, they could prescribe with an analgesic, although it is not usual.

  • Massaging the baby’s gums.

  • Fresh fruit also helps calm pain of a tooth eruption.

  • Rubber teethers are essential to soothe dental discomfort.

Gum Care

Wipe your baby’s gums with a soft, clean cloth twice a day after breakfast and before bed. Cleaning this way can prevent food residue and bacteria from accumulating in the baby’s mouth.

Baby bottle and pacifiers

A bottle-fed child who also uses a pacifier must perform sucking, swallowing, and breathing patterns to dose the extracted content. A prolonged use of a bottle plus a pacifier has some consequences on the development of the child, therefore, it is recommended to discontinue its use no later than 2 years old.


Baby Consultation

With out a doubt, the first early visit has several positive aspects. On one hand, you facilitate the establishment of the "Dental Home", which is defined as the continuous relationship between the dentist and the patient. This includes all aspects such as oral health care carried out in a comprehensive, continuous and accessible manner, coordinated with the family and committed to maintaining the oral health of the baby.
