Mexicali, B.C.

(686) 191-3651



First Visit to The Dentist

It is very important to make the first visit of a child to the dentist as positive and enjoyable as possible. At OmniKids we want your child to enjoy meeting our specialists and for them to feel comfortable at all times. A pleasant first visit builds confidence and helps the child feel comfortable during future visits to the dentist. Get more information down below or book an appointment online.

  • Trust

    A friendly and pleasant visit must be achieved

  • Comfort

    It prepares them to lose their fear of future visits.

It is recommended that the first visit to a dentist to be scheduled after the eruption of your baby’s first tooth or once they’re 1 year old.

Our dentists are experienced in treating children with anxiety and can explain treatment procedures in a positive and pleasant way to avoid any negative feelings towards dentists or dentistry. They will explain everything detailed and will answer any questions. Children should be encouraged to talk about any fear or anxiety they may feel.

We register your child’s dental and medical history, perform a comprehensive exam, and will analyze any findings. We will also review the importance of maintaining a good dental health program with you and your child to ensure a healthy and beautiful smile for life! If you need to schedule an appointment for your child or have any questions about the first visit, please call our office at (686)191-3651 or request an appointment on this page.


Parent Education

This is essential when it comes to preventing any type of oral ailment. Parents should create a habit of daily hygiene in children, since good habits begin at home.

Brushing Techniques

It consists on explaining how to properly brush your teeth with a toothbrush and the appropriate amount of toothpaste, with hygiene aids (dental floss and mouthwash) if your child is under 8 years old, this explanation also goes for parents.


It consists on cleaning with techniques and tools that allow us to remove tartar and bacterial plaque, leaving a smooth surface.

Fluoride Varnish Application

Strengthens tooth enamel, prevents the appearance of cavities and stops the process of formation of cavities. It should be applied every 4-6 months depending on the risk of cavity formation on each patient.

Dental Sealants

Preventive measure for the appearance of cavities, treatment carried out without pain, without anesthesia and in a matter of minutes. They are applied on the dental surface in order to avoid the accumulation of bacteria in the cracks, fissures or irregular areas of the teeth that, when in contact with food remains, can produce acids that cause the appearance of cavities.


It is one of the specialties of dentistry in which through the use of fixed or removable appliances this stimulus alters or modify a skeletal pattern.



These are used to replace the space that is decayed or lacking of structure. It is composed of restorative materials of the same color as the tooth.


These are used when the cavity is very large and close to the pulp (nerve). The infected tissue is removed and the pulp protector (ionomer) is placed to avoid damage to the pulp and/or sensitivity.

Aesthetic Crowns

These are prefabricated crowns that match the color of the tooth and are used in pieces that are severely damaged by cavities, they reduce the accumulation of bacterial plaque, it is an alternative to restore function and aesthetics.

Chrome steel crowns

These are placed when there is a big destruction of the tooth, when an Inter-proximal cavity exists or after some pulp treatment, helping to return to its size, shape and functionality to the patient.

Pulp Treatments


It is performed when the x-ray shows that the cavity is very close to the pulp of the dental nerve or even directly in contact with it, consists on cleaning and decontaminating the cavity and partially removing the pulp or part of the affected nerve.


Procedure performed when there’s an infection on the dental pulp at an irreversible stage, either due to cavities or some trauma. During this treatment the pulp (nerves and blood vessels) are completely removed, the ducts are filled and the tooth is restored.


It is a key treatment to save permanent teeth which dental pulp has been affected by cavities and must be restored. Pediatric endodontics in permanent teeth consists of the total removal of the central vascular-nervous package that contains the pulp and root canals of the fully formed adult teeth.


This treatment is carried out when a cavity injury destroys more than 50% of the tooth or causes an infection that accelerates the reabsorption process of the dental roots, or in cases of the presence of supernumerary teeth and/or for orthodontic cases when there is a lack of space.


Dental Veneers

It is a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure in which a small sheet of biomaterial is adhered to the front of the tooth changing its shape, size and color, giving a more harmonious appearance according to the needs of the patient.


A procedure that replaces a missing or damaged tooth with an artificial tooth that looks the same and performs the same functions as the real tooth.

Teeth Whitening

Aesthetic treatment that manages to reduce several shades of the original color of the dentition, leaving the teeth whiter and brighter.


Performed in very young children or in patients with special needs, when they require many or long therapeutic sessions that are difficult or impossible to carry out with the patient conscious.
